🗚ïļGlobal Map Mode

Global Map Preview

Main Global Map Window

  1. Players 🊙MEMO-P - displays Player’s 🊙MEMO-P . Opens Mine Menu;

  2. Memory Keys - displays Player’s Memory Keys;

  3. Player Heart Containers - displays Player’s Hearts for Attack Mode, and Countdown for fill containers. Opens Hearts Window;

  4. Attack Mode button - active at Night. Opens Auto-Search window;

  5. World Clock - displays Day and Night phases;

  6. Defense Mode button - opens a window of quick access to your own palaces in defense mode, also displays the status of traps and loci in each palace;

  7. Leaderboards button - opens the leaderboards window;

  8. Own Palaces button - quick access to own Palaces;

  9. Mail button - opens the Notification Window;

  10. Player Info button - opens the Player Info Window;

  11. Settings Button;

  12. Inventory Button - opens the Inventory;

  13. The Palace on 3D map - by tap opens Palace Info Popup. Also displayed Palace Level;

  14. Palace Info Popup - displays:

    1. User ID

    2. Palace Icon

    3. Palace Info

      1. Farm

      2. Rooms

      3. Loci

      4. Rarity

      5. etc.

  15. Attack Button - active at Night, opens Attack Mode Window / if Day displays the countdown;

  16. Explore Button - opens Explore Warning Window.

Last updated