ðïļSpecial NFTs
Attacker's NFT
If a Player owns such an NFT, he can attack Palaces at Night
In the case of a victory, this NFT is awarded a reward in the form of ðŠMEMO-P
In the case of a loss from this NFT, part of the ðŠMEMO-P is lost and accrued to the owner of the Palace
Parameters of the Attacker's NFT
Capacity - the maximum number of ðŠMEMO-P that can be credited to the NFT.
Tokens - ðŠMEMO-P on NFT.
Fail ratio - the percentage that a Player loses when losing.
the percentage is deducted from the number of ðŠMEMO-P to be won
Ability - an additional property that is acquired by the Player who owns this NFT.
Heart containers - the amount of Hearts on an NFT.
Attacker's NFT List
Basic A-NFT
c - 500
t - 100
fr - 75%
a - none
hc - 1
Starter NFT - issued to new users (can be bought in the market)
Light A-NFT
c - 1000
t - 250
fr - 50%
a - none
hc - 2
can be acquired on the marketplace
Medium A-NFT
c - 2500
t - 500
fr - 35%
a - none
hc - 3
can be acquired on the marketplace
Heavy A-NFT
c - 5000
t - 1000
s - 25%
a - 10% chance dont take damage
hc - 4
can be acquired on the marketplace
Legendary A-NFT
c - unlim
t - 100
fr - 10%
a - +2 Heart Container
hc - 5
can be acquired on the marketplace
Defender's NFT(Loci)
If a Player owns such an NFT, they can make a profit for the Defense their Palace (if installed inside Palace)
in case of a successful Defense, ðŠMEMO-P are accumulated on the NFT
in case of unsuccessful protection, ðŠMEMO-P are withdrawn from the NFT with discount up to 10%, not from the loci inside the Palace
The player can destroy the NFT and transfer the ðŠMEMO-P to his account
Parameters of the Defender's NFT
capacity - the maximum number of ðŠMEMO-P that can be credited to the NFT
tokens - ðŠMEMO-P on NFT
ability - an additional property that is acquired by the Player who owns this NFT
discount - a percentage of withdrawing
Defender's NFT List
Basic D-NFT
c - 500
t - 100
a - none
d - none
Starter NFT - issued to new users (can be bought in the market)
Light D-NFT
c - 1000
t - 250
a - none
d - 2%
can be bought in the market
Medium D-NFT
c - 2500
t - 500
a - none
d - 5%
can be bought in the market
Heavy D-NFT
c - 5000
t - 1000
a - 10% chance that traps give double damage
d - 7%
can be bought in the market
Legendary D-NFT
c - unlim
t - 100
a - +1 Trap Slot in each Room
d - 10%
can be bought in the market
Trophy NFT
The Trophy NFT is considered to be any Loci that a Player can install in the Hall of their Palace.
This NFT will accrue a Mine of x10.
Other Players have the opportunity to steal the Trophy NFT if they recreate the entire Palace in the fastest time set by its owner (Trophy Time)
Last updated