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Players can set Traps in the rooms, which will complicate the Attack Mode for other players
Traps are placed in the Trap's Slots, which are located in front of the entrance to the Room
Traps are also NFTs and can be acquired with 🪙MEMO-P / 🪙MEMO-G
The number of traps depends on the size of the room
S - 1
M - 3
L - 5
XL - 7
Current Room
Installed Room
Empty Room slot
Memory time bomb
Removes 5 seconds from memorization time
Recreate Darkness
Flashlight effect when Recreating
Black and White Filter when Memorising
Drinking companion
Add Alcohol view effect
Causes the player to freeze if they stand still for 5 seconds. The player will continue to move if he breaks the ice
Secret Recreating Loci
Replaces Loсi's icon and model on recreate with Secret icon and model
Squid joy
Adds ink spots to the screen
Deals damage to a Player
Shots Firebolt every 10 seconds. Shoots up
Confused vision
Inversion of Vision
Slippery floor
Effect of slippery floor in the room When stopped, the player continues to move a little
Foot entanglement
Inversion of Movement